My head is spinning with thoughts this morning. The gay marriage isn't a problem for me. That's where the conundrum started spinning around in my head.
I've stated this before and people think I'm joking. This is NOT a joke to me. I'm probably getting ready to piss off the gays first, but just hold on….the other side will get their's in a minute.
Do I believe in gay marriage? No. Do I care if they get married? No. Is it any of my business? No. Am I glad people love each other? Yes.
I truly believe marriage should be between one man and one woman. It is a principle straight out of the Bible, and was the first institution blessed by God. That's the way I see it. If you see it differently, that's okay too. I only have to answer for what I do. It would seem to me God made a man and a woman where they would physically fit together, without screws.
Now then, I just described how I feel about marriage, NOT marriage licenses. Do I think gays should be issued marriage licenses? No. Do I believe straights should be issued marriage licenses? No. I happen to believe requiring a license to get married is unconstitutional. It's a TAX. Since when is it okay to TAX a Biblical principle?
Where are the people who scream "SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE"? They're strangely quiet over this issue.
One politician was quoted this morning saying gay marriage will hurt the population. Like how? If they don't get married a gay couple can then reproduce? Give me a break.
What it might prevent is gays marrying heterosexuals to try to pretend to society they're straight.
The issue, as I see it, should be a constitutional question. Is our constitution for ALL men? Are ALL men created equal? Having been married more than once I can assure you they're not, but that's another issue. Back to the constitution….
I could certainly back a "domestic partnership" license to cover marriage partners financially and equal rights of property ownership, and rights of survival. It would be legally binding and would have to be dissolved legally, much like a divorce. It would be LEGALLY taxable, a choice, not a requirement for having had a ceremony to get married.
Common-law marriage can still be contracted in nine states, Alabama, Colorado, Kansas, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Iowa, Montana, Utah and Texas. There are different requirements in each state.
Arkansas actually has two different licenses, a regular marriage license and a covenant marriage license. The covenant marriage is, once again, a Biblical principle. So once again the government has found a way to tax religion.
My mind is reeling with all this crap this morning. Oh well….maybe if I have a second cup of coffee things will calm down.